This page has been designed to provide information, support, training and resources for those acting as Supervisors for postgraduate research students at the University of Lincoln.

Supervisor Training
The Doctoral School provides mandatory training for all PGR Supervisors at the University of Lincoln. These training sessions are designed for new and existing supervisors, with the programme outlining induction, the student journey, supporting and monitoring progress, and preparing students for assessment. Further focus is offered on your practice as a supervisor, with guidance and signposting in relation to process, regulations and documentation being integrated.
You can now book both Supervisor and VIVA Chair Training sessions through the MyView system. Go to the My Training and Development tab, and then New course booking.

Supervisors & Viva Chair Registers
All academic staff who attend the Doctoral School’s supervisor or viva chair training will automatically be added to our respective registers. If you are looking for appopriate training supervisors for directing study, or are look for someone to chair a viva examination, you can find a list of trained colleagues through the links below.

Please find below a number of resources relevant to new and existing academic supervisors. This includes some training materials used in the Supervisor training, plus further external materials.
Approaches to Supervision
Supervisor Training & Viva Chair Briefing
Supporting Students' Wellbeing
Supporting International Students

Vitae provide a wide range of invaluable resources for new and existing supervisors and research staff, including tips on supporting researchers at all stages of their doctorate through to completion, careers advise and Every Researcher Counts. You will also have full access to the Researcher Development Framework (RDF).

The National Coordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE) seeks to support a culture change in universities. Our vision is of a higher education sector making a vital, strategic and valued contribution to 21st-century society through its public engagement activity.

The UK Council for Graduate Education is the leading independent representative body for postgraduate education in the UK. We’re a membership organisation providing high-quality leadership and support to our members, to promote a strong and sustainable national postgraduate sector.

The European University Association is a representative organisation of universities in 47 European countries. EUA plays a crucial role in influencing EU policies on higher education, research and innovation. Thanks to its interaction with a range of other European and international organisations EUA ensures that the independent voice of European universities is heard, wherever decisions are being taken that will impact on their activities.

Research Supervisors Network
The UKCGE’s Research Supervisors Network is the world’s first national network for research supervisors. This fast-growing community provides a forum for discussion & learning, enabling supervisors to support each other in enhancing their own practice. The network brings together practitioners from across the sector to showcase and develop understanding of excellence in research supervision.

The Concordat
Researcher Development Concordat, is an agreement between stakeholders to improve the employment and support for researchers and researcher careers in higher education in the UK. It sets out three clear principles of environment and culture, employment, and professional and career development. The principles are underpinned by obligations for the four key stakeholder groups, funders, institutions, researchers, and managers of researchers.

UKRIO is an advisory body helping institutions achieve high standards when they have to manage challenges to research integrity and support individuals faced with bad practice. Their advice and guidance emphasises the good practice that runs across all research disciplines and all regulatory remits. In this way, the role of UKRIO complements that of regulatory bodies for research and supports the work of Government and research funders.